
The correct method of planting trees, know this before planting!

ht p plant a tree in 4 steps 1

Probably, many of us have the experience of planting saplings on the day of planting trees. But most of the time we plant a tree in this way, we put a sapling in the soil and then we water it. Now, whether the method of planting a tree is correct or not, have we thought about it at that moment? Unless luck is with us and a skilled gardener helps us in planting the tree properly. Do you know the correct way to plant a tree? When is the right time to plant seedlings? What steps should be taken to plant seedlings? Stay with us with this article about the correct way to plant a tree.

We have always heard about the benefits of planting trees. But the problem is that if tree planting is not done in a principled and correct way, the tree may not survive or may get disease. To plant the tree correctly, many points should be taken into account. All stages from the selection and preparation of seedlings to the implementation of planting and maintenance after that are important in the process of survival and proper growth of the tree. In the following article, we have tried to explain the necessary points for the different stages of the correct tree planting method.

The steps of the correct method of tree planting can be divided into four general steps:

  • Reputable brands in this area
    Selection of saplings
    Land and seedling preparation
    planting saplings
    maintenance and care

Selection of seedlings for correct planting

1. Correct method of tree planting, selection of seedlings

After you decide to plant a tree; You should think about getting a healthy seedling. In choosing seedlings, you should; Consider the type of tree, the climate of the region, the quality of the soil and the general environment and choose a suitable seedling for the region and environment. Do not forget that it is very important to properly maintain the seedlings from the time of its preparation to planting in the main land. Consider the necessary points for transferring the seedlings to the main land. Also, in order to preserve the humidity of the seedling roots, they put it in a bag or a pot.

The characteristics of a healthy and good seedling are:

Quality: A good seedling is of high quality and should also have a valid tag and ID.

Seedling health: be healthy and disease-free; This feature is partly determined by the appearance of the seedling. Pay attention to all the components of the seedling.
Presence of scions: Transplanted seedlings must have a base and scion. The scion is the place where the plant is transplanted, which can be easily identified at the bottom of the seedling stem.
Seedling age: Seedling age should be one or two years.

Having sprouts: having healthy and strong seedlings on the seedling is essential. This characteristic shows the health and freshness of the seedling.
Vertical stem: For better growth and stability of the tree, it is better for the seedling stem to be straight and straight and without angles or bends.
Seedling roots: The presence of full roots and thick stems show part of the health of the seedling. Be sure to pay attention to the number of roots and their health.
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Ground preparation

2. The correct method of planting trees, preparing land and seedlings

After getting a healthy and strong seedling; Now you have to determine the best place to plant it. You may want to plant a sapling in your yard or home garden, or maybe you are planting several tree saplings in the garden. In any case, the presence of a suitable substrate (soil, light, etc.) is necessary for the placement of seedlings.

The steps of preparing the ground and seedlings for proper planting of trees are:

Creating a hole: Dig a hole as deep as the root ball of the seedling inside the bag and about 2 to 3 times the width of the seedling root. Due to the high importance of the surface roots of trees in the absorption of food, the width of the hole should have enough space for the expansion of the surface roots.

Preparing the seedling: Some experts recommend that before planting, put the seedling (bare root) in water and a little fungicide so that there is no possibility of disease in it. And then remove the damaged roots. A little root pruning helps the tree’s foliage to grow properly. Full or potted root seedlings do not need root pruning and it is better to place them in the hole with the soil around the roots.

Pralineage: To plant a large number of trees, it is better to sterilize the roots of the seedlings. For this purpose, before planting the seedling, the root is coated with clay, sticky and disinfecting materials, which is called pralinage.

3. The correct way to plant a tree

Now is the time for the seedling to be placed in its own bed.

Seedling planting: The crown of the tree is where the root and the stem of the tree are connected. It is better to place the crown of the tree about 10 cm above the soil level. Or consider it so that the graft is placed about 20 cm above the soil level in transplanted seedlings. Some experts recommend compacting the soil under the roots and inside the hole to reduce soil settlement. Fill the hole with fertile soil. Note that if the garden and the land in question have different materials, it is better to remove a large amount of soil from the planting area and fill it with fertile soil.

Watering the tree: After planting the saplings, it is better to consider a groove for placing water around the ridges created in the place of planting the saplings. Water the seedling well once and water it again after ten minutes by absorbing the water so that it does not get shocked and is well watered. After that, according to the type of seedling, observe the time and distance of irrigation.